5.sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı başaran yayıncılık sayfa 45 cevapları yazımızın devamında…
5. Sınıf İngilizce ders kitabı 3. Ünite Games and Hobbies ünitesi 45. sayfada yer alan soruların cevapları, etkinliklerin çözümleri.
5. Sınıf Başaran Yayıncılık Unit-3 Games and Hobbies Sayfa 45 Cevapları

3b Mark the sentences as True (T) or False (F).
- Helena can play checkers. (T)
- Helena can play chess.(F)
- Satoshi can go hiking.(F)
- Satoshi can go fishing.(T)
- Satoshi can’t play chess.(T)
- Larry can play hopscotch.(T)
- Larry can’t play chess.(T)
- Giselle can’t play chess.(F)
- Duygu can play chess.(T)
- Two people can play chess.(T)
3d Ask questions for the answers below.
- Can Helena play checkers?
Yes, she can play checkers. - Can Helena play hangman?
Yes, she can play hangman. - Can Satoshi do camping?
No, but he can go fishing. - Can Lary play tan and hopscotch?
Yes, he can play tag and hopscotch. - Can Giselle play chess?
Yes, Giselle can play chess. - Can Giselle play hangman?
No, she can’t play hangman.
Make a poster about your hobbies and favourite games and write their names.
5. Sınıf İngilizce 3. Unite Game and Hobbies ile ilgili testler hazırladık. Aşağıdaki bağlantılardan 5. sınıf ingilizce testleri çözebilirsiniz.
Sayfa 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
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